
Cannatiba Organic
Medicinal Plants

Cannatiba Organic Medicinal Plants is a Spanish company that is in the process of being authorized by the Spanish agency AEMPS for the exploitation and export of medicinal cannabis to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
Cannabis is an ancient plant full of therapeutic and medicinal properties that is experiencing a real revolution in recent years in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in the USA and Canada where this plant has reached its legality.
Some of its components (cannabinoids) produce different effects in the body by interacting with the so-called endocannabinoid system.
The levels of different cannabinoids in plants depend on genetics, cannabis flowers also have cerar and terpenes, which have taste and smell, are used to produce pharmaceuticals, oils and cosmetics.
The focus of Cannatiba is the production of cannabinoids of the highest quality for the pharmaceutical industry, using the most innovative technology, and under the certifications Goog Manufacturing Pratice (GMP) and Good Agricultural and Collections Practices (GACP), free of radiation for optimal conservation.
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